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Regular Hours, Summer 2024

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

红尾田径 Style Guide

也可参阅 Web and Print Style Guide.

All-America, All-American: Use All-America only when referring to a 团队. Use All-American when referring to a player.


取消: Also 取消led, 取消ling, 取消lation.

Cedar Valley Soccer Complex: Always spell out.

类站: As a two-year college, students are first-year or second-year: The first-year class, three second-year students. ATHLETICS ONLY: the labels of freshman (plural: freshmen) and sophomore are acceptable to align with NJCAA designations.  

教练: Lowercase in all uses, as a job description, not a formal title.

回来 (v), 复出 (n)


注明: Follow AP style when writing 注明.

  • Ex. 斯蒂芬森的.–
  • Write city names in all-caps.
  • Do not include the state for any location in Iowa. It is not necessary to identify the state of a major city.

Use AP Style state abbreviations in the dateline. Do not use ZIP code abbreviations.

Following are the state abbreviations, which also appear in the entries for each state (ZIP code abbreviations in parentheses): Ala. (AL)亚利桑那州. (AZ)柜. 加州(AR). 科罗拉多州(CA). 康涅狄格州(有限公司). (CT)。. 佛罗里达州(反). (FL)遗传算法. (GA)生病了. (IL)印第安纳州. (在)菅直人. 肯塔基州(KS). (肯塔基州)拉. (LA)医学博士. (MD)质量. 密歇根州(MA). 明尼苏达州(MI). (MN)小姐. (MS)莫. (MO)蒙特. (MT)内. (NE)内华达州. (NV) N.H. (NH) N.J. (NJ) N.M. (NM) N.Y. (纽约)N.C. (NC) N.D. (ND)俄克拉荷马州. (OK)矿. (或)爸爸. (PA) R.I. (RI).C. (SC).D. (SD)田纳西州. (TN) Vt. 弗吉尼亚州(VT). (VA)洗. (WA) W.Va. (西弗吉尼亚州)威斯康星州. (WI)怀奥(WY)

日期: Avoid abbreviations in sentences. If a date is in the middle of the sentence, use a comma after the year. The event was Tuesday, February 22, 2017, at the Brock 学生 Center. Do not use ordinals such as “st”, “rd”, "th", and "nd" with 日期. The event was held on September 4. Do not use a comma between the month and year alone. Please return your application by the February 2017 deadline.

: Spell out 天 of the week in sentences, do not abbreviate them. When a range of 天 is needed, the preferred format is: Monday–Friday, Monday to Wednesday, or Monday and Wednesday.


的电子竞技:无连字符. 从来没有的电子竞技.

守门员: goalie is acceptable, goaltender is not.

高尔夫球: birdie (one stroke under par), bogey (one stroke over par), eagle (two strokes under par).

高尔夫数字: Use figures for handicaps: He has a 3 handicap; a 3-handicap 高尔夫球er, a handicap of 3 strokes; a 3-stroke handicap. Use figures for par listings: He had a par 5 to finish 2-up for the round, a par-4 hole; a 7-under-par 64, the par-3 seventh hole. The first hole, the ninth hole, a nine-hole course, the 10th hole, the back nine, the final 18. 

中场休息 (n; adj.)

Hawkeye 社区 College: Use Hawkeye 社区 College or Hawkeye. Do not use the college, HCC, Hawkeye College, Hawkeye CC, or Hawkeye Tech. HCC can refer to many colleges and businesses; it doesn’t clearly identify Hawkeye 社区 College.

健康 Education and Services Center: Spell out on first reference, then HESC. Never HESC-娱乐, HESC center, Rec Center, or Hawkeye Gym.

Iowa 社区 College Athletic Conference: ICCAC fine in all references.

吉祥物: Proper name is Rusty the 红尾. On second reference, use Rusty, along with masculine pronouns. “Rusty the 红尾 is our 吉祥物. He is very popular.”

National Association of Collegiate 的电子竞技: Spell out on first reference, then NACE.

National Junior Collegiate Athletic Association: NJCAA fine in all references.

Official athletic 程序 names: Capitalize only when preceded by Hawkeye 红尾 or 红尾 as part of an official title. Lowercase on subsequent uses.

  • Ex. Hawkeye 红尾 Men’s Track and Field. The women’s 田径 团队 at Hawkeye 社区 College.

Include “men’s” or “women’s” before the sport when applicable. If referencing both 程序s, use only the sport name. For co-ed 程序s, use only the sport name.

Intercollegiate Athletic Programs:

  • 打保龄球
  • Men's Cross Country
  • Women's Cross Country
  • 跳舞
  • 的电子竞技
  • 男人的高尔夫球
  • 女子足球
  • 男子足球
  • 体育射击
  • Men’s Track and Field
  • Women’s Track and Field
  • Women’s Volleyball


Order of finishing in a competition: Spell out first through ninth, then 10th, 11th, and so on. Avoid superscript letters.

  • Ex. Sally Jones placed first, while Sarah Smith placed 17th.

玩了 (v.) 季后赛, 季后赛 (n. 和调节.): The noun 和调节ective forms are exceptions to Webster’s New World Dictionary, in keeping with widespread practice in the sports world. 

季后赛, 季前赛:无连字符.

红尾: Always a capital R and capital T. Use the singular form when referring to a specific 团队, 程序, or 学生运动员, and plural when referring to athletic 程序s in general.

  • Ex. Hawkeye 红尾田径. The 红尾 女子足球 团队. The 红尾s won 他们的 home opener, 4-3. Sally Smith will join the 红尾s in competition this fall.

On first reference, always precede 红尾 with Hawkeye, unless “Hawkeye 社区 College” is used elsewhere in the same sentence, then just 红尾s on subsequent uses.

  • Ex. Joe Smith is joining the 红尾 体育射击 团队 at Hawkeye 社区 College. Sarah Smith is joining the Hawkeye 红尾 跳舞 团队.

亚军, 亚军

分数: Use figures exclusively, placing a hyphen between the totals of the winning and losing 团队s: The Reds defeated the Red Sox, 4-3, the Giants scored a 12-6 football victory over the Cardinals, the 高尔夫球er had a 5 on the first hole but finished with a 2-under-par score.

(n), 拒之门外 (v)

学生运动员: Always hyphenate.

团队: Always lowercase unless part of an official name.

田径:用于时间事件, spell out "minutes" and "seconds" on first reference: "She finished with a time of 3 minutes, 42.8秒. Subsequent times require only a colon and decimal point: 3:42.8

Do not use a colon before times given only in seconds and tenths of seconds. 使用“.0" to record a "flat" time: 5.0秒,10秒.2秒. Extend to hundredths when possible: 17.38秒.

Spell out the first reference to running events: the 100-meter dash. Subsequent references can be shortened to such phrases as "the 100," "the 400" and so forth.

For hurdle and relay events, the progression is "100-meter hurdles" on first reference and "the 100 hurdles" in subsequent references: "He ran both the 400-meter relay and the 200 relay."

For field events, which do not involve running, use these forms:

23 ½ for 23 feet, one-half inch. Note that there is a space between the whole number and the fraction. 28 feet, 7 and three-quarter inches is written 28-7 ¾.

, vs.: The abbreviation vs. is always preferred over the word 与. Never write just the letter v.

他们的/它的: Use plural when referring to Hawkeye 红尾田径, or 红尾s in general, and singular when referring to one 团队 or 程序.

Ex. The Hawkeye 红尾s are 一个成员 廉政公署主席. The 红尾 Volleyball 团队 had 它的 first win last night. 

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