Site Announcement


Hawkeye will be closed, Wednesday, June 19 for Juneteenth


夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm


ALEKS是一个在线评估程序,旨在根据学生当前的数学技能将他们安排在数学课程中. It also provides personalized instruction to help improve upon current math skills. ALEKS程序包括:

  1. Placement Assessment: 分班评估将有多达30个问题,通常需要60-90分钟才能完成. 当你完成分班评估时,你的分数将在0到100之间. 这个分数是用来决定你准备参加什么课程,因此可以注册.

  2. 个性化准备和学习模块: 完成分班评估后, an individualized, self-paced, 在线准备和学习模块将提供给你更新你的知识遗忘的主题,并帮助你准备你的大学数学课程.

靠谱买球app推荐要求所有学生在注册任何数学课程之前参加ALEKS分班评估. 我们建议您在被靠谱买球app推荐录取后尽快参加分班评估. 当你完成分班评估时,你的分数将在0到100之间.



重要的是,你要认真对待分班评估,并付出诚实的努力,这样分班评估才能真正反映你目前的知识水平和数学准备. 在分班评估中作弊或不尽最大努力是没有好处的,因为这可能会导致你选的数学课程太难或不够有挑战性. Taking the wrong math course can cost you both time and money, can negatively impact your permanent academic record, 并且可能会影响你的经济援助资格. Therefore, 同时参加升学评估, please do not consult any outside sources for help such as friends/family, internet searches, textbooks, notes etc.

Respondus LockDown Browser for ALEKS is required to take the Placement Assessment. This browser is installed and ready to use on campus computers in the 学生辅导和计算机实验室, in the Library, and at the Van G. 米勒成人学习中心 你可以在哪里参加评估. 或者您可以按照下面提供的说明在计算机上安装用于ALEKS的Respondus锁定浏览器.

Installing Respondus Lockdown browser for ALEKS

  1. You will need a Windows or Mac computer that enables you to install software. 不支持chromebook.

  2. Download the Respondus LockDown Browser for ALEKS.

  3. 在您的计算机上找到下载的文件. 双击该文件以运行程序. Follow the prompts to install the Respondus LockDown Browser for ALEKS.

  4. Return to the responus锁定浏览器的ALEKS网页. Check your setup using the links under the heading "Check your Setup & Installation".


ALEKS将从一个简短的教程开始,以确保您在分班评估开始之前熟悉数学调色板工具. The tutorial shows you how to enter different types of answers, 怎样使用ALEKS计算器, and how to graph.

如果您不确定如何输入答案, or need help while you are taking the ALEKS Placement Assessment, select the Help button below the answer pallet tools.



Simply close the browser, or log out and log back in. ALEKS will resume the Placement Assessment exactly where you left off, 不丢失之前的答案.

What topics are covered during the ALEKS Placement Assessment?


  • Real numbers: Fractions, integers, and percentages
  • 方程和不等式:线性方程, linear inequalities, 线性方程组, and quadratic equations
  • 线性和二次函数:图形和函数,线性函数和抛物线
  • 指数和多项式:整数指数, polynomial arithmetic, factoring, and polynomial equations
  • Rational expressions: Rational equations and rational functions
  • Radical expressions: Higher roots and rational exponents
  • Exponentials and logarithms: Function compositions and inverse functions, properties of logarithms, 还有对数方程
  • 几何与三角:周长, area, and volume, coordinate geometry, trigonometric functions, 恒等式和方程


ALEKS is not a multiple-choice Placement Assessment. It is open-response and requires you to work out solutions with a paper and pencil, 然后把它们输入ALEKS.

What resources can I use while taking a Placement Assessment?

You may only use a pen or pencil, paper, and the resources provided within ALEKS. ALEKS将提供一个屏幕上的计算器,如果你需要一个来完成一个特定的问题.

你不应该接受朋友的帮助, family, other websites, textbooks, 或任何其他非ALEKS提供的资源. 使用外部资源将导致不适当的安置和潜在的课程失败.



Because ALEKS is adaptive, once you submit an answer, you cannot change it. Be sure to carefully check your answer before submitting your response.


It is likely that you will be asked questions on material you have not yet learned. On such questions it is appropriate to answer, I don't know. 然而,对于任何你熟悉的问题,尽你最大的努力是很重要的. I don't know被ALEKS解释为你不知道如何解决这个话题, and this will be reflected in the Placement Assessment results. 在分班评估中错误回答问题不会被扣分, it only helps ALEKS understand what you know and don’t know.


You will have access to your Placement Assessment for three hours.

Take your time and complete the Placement Assessment at your own pace.

If you need to exit the Placement Assessment for any reason, you will be able to log back in and pick up where you left off, but you must complete the Placement Assessment within three hours.


是的,你最多可以重新参加四次分班评估来提高你的分数. The highest score will be used for math placement.

You must wait 48 hours between Placement Assessments.

三个小时的工作 Prep and Learning Module is required before each Placement Assessment attempt. 如果你只是重新参加分班评估,而没有花时间在准备和学习模块上复习你可能忘记的材料,你的分数不会提高.


Where can I see my score?

  • 完成分班评估后,您将立即收到成绩.
  • 你的分数将在ALEKS中显示.
  • 您的成绩将自动添加到您的学生档案中,您的学术/大学成功顾问可以访问您的学生档案.


Please meet with your Academic/College Success advisor to review your scores. 你的学术/大学成功顾问将根据你的成绩和你的项目所需的数学课程来帮助你推荐合适的数学课程.


You must achieve the minimum placement result to take the corresponding class.

ALEKS Score Placement Sequence
0–5 MAT-012 Math Skills 参见从MAT-012开始的课程顺序.
4–9 MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Algebra 参见课程顺序,从MAT-048开始.
6–13 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra 见课程序列开始在MAT-052.
MAT-772 Applied Math 看到课程序列开始在MAT-772.
14–29 MAT-060代数基础 见课程顺序开始在MAT-060.
30–44 MAT-102中级代数 参见从MAT-102开始的课程顺序.
MAT-110文科数学 参见从MAT-110开始的课程顺序.
MAT-112小学教师数学1 参见从MAT-112开始的课程顺序.
MAT-156 Statistics 参见课程序列开始在MAT-156.
MAT-504电子数学 参见课程序列开始在MAT-504.
MAT-741 Technical Math I 看到课程序列开始在MAT-741.
45–60 MAT-121 College Algebra 参见从MAT-121开始的课程顺序.
61–75 MAT-128 Precalculus 参见从MAT-128开始的课程顺序.
三角学与解析几何 参见从MAT-134开始的课程顺序.
76–100 MAT-210 Calculus 参见从MAT-210开始的课程顺序.


If you didn't place in the course you wanted, you can spend time in the Prep and Learning Module 复习你可能忘记的材料,然后重新参加分班评估来提高你的分数.


Take advantage of the individualized review and learning features in the Prep and Learning Module. 花在准备和学习模块上的时间将帮助你在课堂上取得更好的成绩.

Math Course Sequence

序列从MAT-012数学技能开始, ALEKS score 0 - 5, or MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Skills, ALEKS score 4 -9. Go to MAT-012 Math Skills Go to MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Skills

MAT-012 Math Skills
ALEKS score 0 – 5

Next in sequence
Next in sequence. 从两个选项中选择一个. 2选1:MAT-772应用代数.跳到2的选项2:MAT-052预代数

MAT-772 Applied Math
ALEKS score 6 – 13

End of sequence.

Next in sequence. 从两个选项中选择一个. 选择2 2:MAT-052预代数.

MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
ALEKS score 6 – 13


MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Skills
ALEKS score 4 – 9


ALEKS score 14 – 29

Next in sequence
Next in sequence. 从六个选项中选择一个. 6选1:MAT-102中级代数.Jump to option 2 of 6: MAT-110文科数学

Intermediate Algebra

ALEKS score 30 – 44

Next in sequence

College Algebra

ALEKS score 45 – 60

Next in sequence




ALEKS score 61 – 75

Next in sequence

Calculus I

ALEKS score 76 – 100

Next in sequence

Calculus II

Next in sequence

Calculus III

End of sequence.

Next in sequence. 从六个选项中选择一个. 6选2:MAT-110文科数学.Jump to option 3 of 6: MAT-112小学教师数学1

Math for Liberal Arts

ALEKS score 30 – 44

End of sequence.

Next in sequence. 从六个选项中选择一个. Option 3 of 6: MAT-112小学教师数学1.跳到6中的选项4:MAT-156 Statistics


ALEKS score 30 – 44

Next in sequence


End of sequence.

Next in sequence. 从六个选项中选择一个. 选项4 (6):MAT-156统计.Jump to option 5 of 6: MAT-504电子数学


ALEKS score 30 – 44

End of sequence.

Next in sequence. 从六个选项中选择一个. 6选5:MAT-504电子数学.Jump to option 6 of 6: MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I

Electronics Math I

ALEKS score 30 – 44

Next in sequence

Electronics Math II

End of sequence.

Next in sequence. 从六个选项中选择一个. 6选6:MAT-741技术数学.

Technical Mathematics I

ALEKS score 30 – 44

Next in sequence

Technical Math II

End of sequence.

Prep and Learning Module

准备和学习模块是一个个性化的学习计划,是根据你在初始安置评估中的表现而制定的. ALEKS will identify what you know and what you are ready to learn next.


You will have twelve months of access to your Prep and Learning module. 直到您选择屏幕上方的“开始”,才会开始访问准备课程. 在你准备好开始工作之前,不要选择进入准备和学习模块.

Want to work on the Prep and Learning Module with the assistance of a math tutor? Visit the 学生辅导和计算机实验室 to work with an ALEKS math tutor.


在准备和学习模块工作期间, 您将定期完成知识检查,以确保您掌握了在学习模式中获得的主题. If you do not show mastery during the Knowledge Check, the topics will be added back into your Learning Pie so you can review them again.

Does progress in an ALEKS Prep and Learning Module count toward placement?

不,在亚历克斯预科和学习模块中取得的进展不计入课程安排. You must complete a new Placement Assessment to change your placement score.

开始一个新的安置评估, select the placement tab in the upper right corner of the ALEKS page.

Can I change to a different Prep and Learning Module later?

No, you cannot change to a different Prep and Learning Module. 你只能使用一个准备和学习模块.

如果您不确定选择哪个模块,请使用ALEKS推荐的模块或咨询您的客户 学术/大学成功顾问.

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